Electrical Works

Decorative Interior Lighting

The lighting in each room is essential for the comfort of its occupants and the coziness of the premise. The decorative lighting and the ceiling spotlights are an integral part of any refined interior. They create comfort and are enjoyed by both the residents and the visitors of the premise.
The best option is the one where the decorative lighting is arranged after a project presented in advance - before the end of the completion works. Then the possibilities for installation and the options for maximum decorative effect of the lighting are endless.

Built-in Ambient Light

The lighting of the fences and the built-in lighting on them has also security functions, so that such lighting should be considered even in the most unattractive, secluded and remote parts of the fence. These remote parts are the weak points of each plot and must be properly secured and lighted.
The night lighting of the water zones and the swimming pools is also necessary, despite the fact that it is really beautiful. The integrated lighting for swimming pools and other water areas can be mounted in the pavement at the very bottom of the pool, as well as on the steps along the board or the water area.

Façade Lighting

Façade lighting can make any building appear magnificent during the night. During the day it is the daylight and the architectural features that make a building beautiful but at night this is up to façade lighting which can enhance or soften specific elements of a building and the surrounding areas better than daylight.
Apart from its esthetic function, façade lighting also has the function to protect buildings from vandalism. Also, it is much more pleasant and safer to pass by a well light building than by a dark one.